Eat-In Menus
The beauty about Italian food is that you will never run out of dishes to cook. Unified Italy only came into being in 1861, so until then, regions cooked according to their particular geography, history and agriculture. Indeed, such is the variety between the cuisines of the North, (with its fondness for cheese, meats, stews, lard and porcini mushrooms) and the South (favouring more oil, fish, seafood, vegetables and pasta), that they would almost appear to originate from two entirely different countries.
At Ida, we make the most of this rich culinary tradition, trying as far as possible to stick to the seasons, and to the integrity of a dish without resorting to fussy deconstructions. The only thing that we don’t compromise on - ever - is the fresh pasta and gnocchi (made in-house) and the ragù - always prepared the Marchigiano way, with gizzards and hearts.

N.B. Our chefs regularly tweak our menus according to seasonal ingredients and we try our best to keep them updated online but we apologise if a dish is not available on the day you dine with us.